Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sekitar Pertandingan Di Kompleks Muhibah, Ampang 27.11.2010

Antara ayam-ayam yang dipertandingkan.

Suasana di sekitar pertandingan.

Lagi ayam-ayam yang dipertandingkan.

Di antara sahabat-sahabat peminat serama yang hadir memeriahkan pertandingan (saudara Bahar-Awang Selamat & Saudara Aiman-Serama Utara)

Majlis Cabutan Bertuah dan penyampaian hadiah.

Friday, November 19, 2010

2nd Project - Hidden Tang Hunting Knife part 3

After heat treatment and cleaned.

Making the guard

Marked with center-punch and ready to drill

Drilling the holes.

Shaping the hole

Handle and guard fitted.

Rough shape of the handle and guard.

Another view.

To be continued...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

2nd Project - Hidden Tang Hunting Knife part 2

My own clay recipe (still experimenting)

Mix with water until it uniformed and sticky

Apply to the knife stock

After the clay dried 36 hours later. It now ready for heat treatment ( tried before to heat it while the clay is still wet and the clay cracked like hell)

To be continued....

Remaja Rinting

Remaja ini adalah hasil dari reban saya sendiri. Baka dah bercampur-campur. Sangat aktif nak ambil gambar pun susah, baru mula nak datang perangai belum betul-betul parking lagi.

This is serama in the end of 'teenage' category produced in my own coop. He is very active, to snap a good picture of him was a challenge.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2nd Project - Hidden Tang Hunting Knife part 1

Just started a new project. This is the 3rd attempt to make a knife. I choose to make a hidden tang hunting knife this time. I use DF2 tool steel to make this knife (no particular reason, just the it is the only type of steel i can get my hands on for now).

 Any comments, questions or advise is very much welcome.

Drawing the outline

Cutting out the rough shape

Grinding into the final outline

Shaping the bevel

To be continued.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The first knife that i make

The first knife that i finally completed. It took me about a year to complete it due to time constriction and lack of skills in my part. This project is kind of making while learning project. All the info on knife making i got it from the internet. This is actually the second knife that i attempted making but the first one never completed because it cracked during quenching process (water quench).

Knife Info
Steel :                recycled old file
Blade length :     9 inch
Blade + handle : 14 3/4 inch
Blade width :      1 1/4 inch
Sheathed :          15 1/4 inch
Heat treatment :  oil quench (clay coated) but fail to achieved clear hamon.
Temper :             20 minutes at 200 degrees celcius 2 cycles.
Shealth and handle : wood with lacquer finish ( kayu takut hantu- thats what the native call it)

Will start my next project soon. This time maybe i'll post the making process. Haven't decided what type of knife yet.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Salam perkenalan buat semua peminat-peminat serama juga peminat dan pembuat pisau sambilan. Semoga kita dapat berkenalan dan bertukar-tukar pendapat berkenaan minat yang kita kongsi bersama di sini.

Greetings to all serama and knife making fans. Let this be the place for us to meet and exchange thought about about our shared interest.